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Connections Over Competition Golf League By Bernadette Wagner

Three months ago, Prime Time for Women created a social media post that asked: Who is ready to:

  •     Pursue a new hobby?
  •     Explore your athletic capabilities?
  •     Have fun while exercising?
  •     Discover a new passion?
  •     Expand your circle of friends? 
  •     Enjoy the benefits of time spent in nature?

Those that answered “yes” were in luck! Thanks to a collaborative partnership with Hagerstown Parks & Recreation, Prime Time for Women invited women in their prime to join a golf league that would emphasize “connections over competition.” There are lots of reasons to learn golf as adults but for PTFW, the most important is the health benefits of positive social connections. 

PTFW held an informational meeting where women who had never played golf connected with serious golfers. A delicious lunch was served at The Greens at Hamilton Run clubhouse as PTFW’s mission was reviewed.  Understanding that PTFW seeks to improve the health of women through positive social connections was crucial to understanding because, unlike most golf leagues, this league wouldn’t be focusing on individual winning scores.  

In Connections Over Competition Golf League, if players make new friends, have a good time, and learn something new…then they are all winners.  As PTFW’s tagline is “Be seen. Be heard. Inspire” everyone had a voice in creating the league rules and format.  Here’s what was decided: 

  •     The PTFW 9-Hole Golf League would emphasize positive social connections over competition.
  •     To make the league as accessible as possible, members have the option to play either on Tuesday mornings at 10 AM or Wednesday evening at 5:00 PM. 
  •     Members would pay in advance for all 10 weeks of play. It was agreed that this demonstrated a commitment to playing each week and the importance of connecting with others.
  •     The league would play a scramble format with a shotgun start.
  •     Players get two “mulligans” per round.
  •     Players may use a tee in the fairway.
  •     Players must pick up their balls if the score is double par.

The league has only played one round but from the feedback, it sounds like a huge success.  Below are some of the texts that were sent following the first round.

“OMG. Unbelievable. I loved it and am so excited for the next round. Linda said I’m a natural.”

“It was a really lovely evening and I had a lot of fun. We all agree that we are grateful to PTFW for starting this league.”

 “So great to play and not feel intimidated. The good golfers were so patient and even coached me a bit and I got better!”

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