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Watch Out World, Here Comes PTFW!

In 2018, in response to numerous scientific studies that proved the health benefits of positive social connections, I founded Prime Time for Women.  With that goal in mind, Prime Time for Women committed to celebrate, connect, and empower women from diverse backgrounds as they explored new possibilities in the second half of life. All of our programs bring women together, emphasize continuous learning, challenge ageist stereotypes, and support healthy lifestyles!  

Among its many programs, Prime Time for Women hosts a weekly walking community called “Walking to Wellness.”  Yep, every week between 20 and 50 people gather at the indoor track at our local community college to hear short presentations by health experts, fitness leaders, nutritionist, physical therapists, and lots of others, too! Following the talk, the guest speakers walk and talk with community members, answering questions and sharing more! 

The weekly exercise has improved the health of many in our community.  Combined, our members have lost a total of 173 pounds in seven months, and some have been able to stop taking medication for diabetes.  But the greatest benefit of the program is the number of incredibly meaningful friendships that have developed.  What started out simply as a time to exercise has morphed into a community of caring friends who share their struggles and joys, discuss health issues, recount stories of former careers and describe their latest passions and hobbies. As we like to say, Walking to Wellness is “Where Health Happens and Connections Matter!”  

Last year, the United Nations began the Decade of Healthy Ageing “to improve the lives of older people, their families, and the communities in which they live.”  This effort, which is supported by the International Labour Organization, the International Telecommunications Union, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization, highlights age-friendly environments, recognizes leaders and communities for creative ideas to promote healthy aging, celebrates the joy of life after 50 and seeks to combat ageism, everywhere!

The Healthy Ageing 50 recognizes the contributions of business, media, academia, nonprofit and governmental agencies and showcases their efforts to transform the world into a better place in which to grow older. Prime Time for Women hasn’t been recognized…yet.  Watch out world, here comes PTFW, ready to make a difference!

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