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Walking to Wellness

Walking to Wellness Is a Huge Success!

As the founder of Prime Time for Women, I am super excited that more and more women (and men who support women) are joining Walking to Wellness (W2W)! For 73 consecutive weeks, yes, that means not missing a single week, Walking to Wellness has provided more than 160 people opportunities to make friends, to be seen and heard, to share their stories, to learn from knowledgeable experts, and to exercise while connecting with others.  

As important as exercise is, the connections matter even more! For several years Prime Time for Women has been emphasizing the fact that positive social connections play a greater role in determining physical health, mental wellbeing, and longevity than diet and exercise combined!  But you don’t have to listen to me! According to one landmark study, “lack of social connection is a greater detriment to health than obesity, smoking, and high blood pressure.” Stanford’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education reports that strong social connections:

  • Lead to a 50% increased chance of longevity
  • Strengthen the immune system 
  • Speed recovery from disease
  • May even lengthen the life span.

The best part of Walking to Wellness is that it is FUN!!! So, if you live anywhere near Washington County, Maryland, join Prime Time for Women for W2W every Wednesday at noon at the ARCC at Hagerstown Community College! With support from the Washington County Health Department, Brook Lane, Washington County Parks & Recreation, Hagerstown Parks & Recreation, Kinesthetic Solutions, and Meritus Health, we are committed to improving the health of every resident.


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