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Inspire Inclusion: A Roaring, Inclusive Success!

In the United States, during March, we celebrate Women’s History Month, for which we all owe a debt of gratitude to Laura Shaw Murra, also known as Laura X. Back in 1969, after leading a march on International Women’s Day in Berkeley, California, Laura declared that it was unfair for the accomplishments of half the human race to be celebrated only one day a year and called for National Women’s History Month to be built around International Women’s Day.  Thank you, Laura X!

With gratitude for those who fought to be heard and laid the foundation for greater inclusion of all women, Prime Time for Women was proud to partner with Hagerstown Community College to host Inspire Inclusion, the first-ever International Women’s Day conference held on March 8.  The entire day was a roaring success, inspiring inclusion and fostering a sense of community among all attendees. 

Thank you to everyone who made Inspire Inclusion a huge success: our speakers, attendees, sponsors, vendors, and donors. At Prime Time for Women, we want to continue and expand the positive energy that was experienced at the conference. Prime Time for Women’s tagline is, “Be seen. Be heard. Inspire!”…and we mean it! To create a more inclusive and inspiring community, country, and world, we want to amplify the voices of women everywhere. We would love to hear what you liked about the conference and ideas for Prime Time for Women’s 2nd Annual International Women’s Day Conference!  Check out these photos to experience some of the joy, energy, and excitement of a wonderful day!

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