Picture it, Sicily...1912...Juuuust kidding! It was more like Hagerstown, 2011. I'd already spent 28 YEARS…

Develop Health and Fitness Goals – That’s What I Do by Barbara Spencer
Ever heard of “Mission Impossible”? Well, that’s not me! I’m on a mission and it is definitely possible…for me and you! By developing healthy habits and pursuing realistic and attainable health and fitness goals, I’m on a mission to achieve a maximum level of health. I started this personal mission over 10 years ago and now, incorporate this mission into my business WELLNESS WORKS. As a Nurse Practitioner, Health Educator, and Coach, I know that developing achievable goals and setting short term objectives are key to confidence and success.
My most recent long-term goal was to run the Army 10-Miler in Washington DC in October. Fortunately, my oldest daughter recommended a 20 week running program that was designed to incrementally increase running time and distance on a weekly basis. I embraced this program and allowed it to help me develop my short term goals.
In early May, I started running one minute and walking two minutes with the weekly goal of three miles by the end of the week. I enjoyed this training program as it was developed with small, achievable running intervals and encouraged the flexibility to “make it your own”. By week 10, I was running longer intervals than the program recommended before I walked for a minute or two.
As I implemented the program, I learned the necessity of proper hydration and the importance of taking cues from my body. I learned how to breathe with each stride, how to readjust my foot placement if my knee started to hurt, and how to use my arms and core strength to keep me safe and keep me going. The program and the mindfulness practice I developed paid off. I completed the Army 10-Miler in under a 15 minute per mile pace…yay for me! I set and attained my personal goal!
The day was special and emotional! Not only did I achieve my goal, but I got to run a race with my youngest daughter, Captain Anne Spencer, who actively served in the U.S. Army for 10 years. Though Anne finished the race in half the time it took me, she ran back to Mile 9 to join me for the last mile of the race. Running beside me, step by step, her presence was greatly appreciated and incredibly encouraging. Not only that, my daughter managed to get a great picture of me as I crossed the finish line!
With success comes confidence. Now I am ready to pursue a new goal of competing in the Frederick, MD Half Marathon in May 2023. I’d say, “wish me luck” but I don’t need it…I have my objectives!
NOTE: If you are interested in the training program I followed, please email me at barb@wellnessworks.health.