won’t you celebrate with me…

To Make or Not to Make a New Year’s Resolution
Are you a New Year’s resolution type of woman or not? Some women love the idea of starting fresh and pursuing a new goal every January, others despise it! New Year’s resolutions aren’t good or bad for you, they just are. Resolutions are about making a positive change to better your quality of life in some way, which is a great thing. You could resolve to spend less time with your cell phone and more time with your loved ones. You could resolve to eat more healthfully, get regular exercise, read more books, or visit family.
The important thing to remember, according to Mana Medical Associates, is to develop a plan to achieve your goals, which will lead to new habits instead of short-term changes. Equally important, in my humble opinion, is to make sure your New Year’s resolution is something you want to change not something that somebody else wants you to change! To me, the idea of setting goals, whether at the new year or any day of the year, is to make them achievable. In an article by Zee Krstic and Cameron Jenkins they write, “The key to setting good goals is making them aspirational and yet attainable at the same time — something you want to work toward, and you can honestly see yourself achieving.” Not bad advice, at all!
In their Good Housekeeping article, 65 Achievable New Year’s Resolutions You’ll Actually Keep, they suggest starting with a gratitude journal. Other suggested resolutions include making time for family, creating a budget you can stick to and reading more books. Whether you make up your own resolutions or want to check out their entire list, know that resolutions are guidelines meant to improve your sense of wellbeing. If they start causing you stress, you should make a resolution to LET THEM GO!