I read a wonderful piece by Anne Lamott that resonated with me on many levels.…

It’s Almost Here: Accelerate Action PTFW’s 2nd Annual International Women’s Day Conference!
It’s time to get EXCITED!! In just two months, Prime Time for Women, Inc, in partnership with Hagerstown Community College, will host Accelerate Action: The 2nd Annual International Women’s Day Conference. This event is not just a conference; it’s a beacon of empowerment and connection, in line with our mission to nurture an empowered and inspired community of women. On Saturday, March 8, 2025 Prime Time for Women will be joining with women around the world to collectively accelerate action for gender equality and equity.
Inspire Inclusion, our first IWD Conference, sold out and was a resounding success! It was an incredible day filled with inspirational stories, opportunities to connect and reflect, and helpful information aimed at empowering and celebrating girls and women. This year’s conference will be even bigger and better! Accelerate Action will be a two-day event, with pre-conference workshops on Friday, March 7 at HCC and the main conference taking place on Saturday, March 8th at the Kepler Theater. Even more exciting, our conference will be recorded by and aired on Antietam Broadband TV, allowing us to share this exciting day with even more women!
On Friday, March 7th, the pre-conference workshops will be held at HCC from 2-4 PM. These interactive sessions, led by experts from a variety of fields, will offer participants the opportunity to delve into topics of interest, connect and interact with presenters, and learn new skills that will enrich their lives. Workshop presentations include:
- Advocate for Your Health: Taking Charge of Your Hormones and Your Voice – Gwenn Leatherman, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC
- Calling Nonprofits: Accelerate Your Mission; Activate Your Board – Jennifer Goldman, President of Jennifer E. Goldman LLC.
- Accelerate Self-care, Learn to Care for Plants! – Kelly D’Atri, Owner The Garden at Creep Hill
- Advocating for More Advocacy: It’s a Passion and a Business – Taj Smith, President NAACP Washington County, Owner at The Advocate Junkie
On Saturday, March 8th, throughout the day, talented women experts from a variety of fields including finance, law, technology, healthcare, business, nonprofits and the arts will deliver Prime Insight Presentations and facilitate Breakout Sessions. On top of that, for the first time we will have two male allies tell how they advocate and support women! Together these speakers will issue a call to collectively address the barriers and biases women face with a greater sense of urgency and momentum. With opportunities to network, learn, engage in meaningful discussion and strategize, attendees will leave feeling inspired and empowered to take action! Presenters include:
Denise Pyles
Dr. Andriana Rojas
Aitza Haddad Nunez
Kelly Beckley Shank
Angelina Scott
Laurie Brewer
Karen Coyne
Andrew Keller
Matt Wagner
Kathy Lyon
Maggie Gise
Tina Fraley
Teresa Peek
Brittany Wedd
Melanie Watts
Addie Nardi
Joan Balbuena Hernandez
Bernadette Wagner
Andi Overton
Dawn Jenette
Last year’s conference sold out! In appreciation to those who support PTFW, our members can get EARLY BIRD Tickets starting on January 22, 2025. Tickets for the general public will go on sale January 26th. The cost of the Pre-Conference Workshop is $50 and the whole day, “Accelerate Action: International Women’s Day Conference” is $75. Purchase your tickets early and get both for just $99! Buy tickets now!