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Clarify Your Dreams and Pursue Them with Passion!

The tagline for Prime Time for Women is “Be Seen. Be Heard. Inspire!”  At PTFW we seek to empower women to be who they truly are, say what they think and give voice to their dreams, knowing that when they speak their truth and follow their passions, they inspire others to do the same. With that in mind and at the start of this brand-new year, I’d like to invite you to create a vision board just for yourself.  Read more…

Consider this invitation as both permission and encouragement to look within, to see all your dreams (big and small, life changing and insignificant) that are just waiting to be expressed.  You know the ones I’m talking about!  The dreams that for far too long have been squashed by our risk averse, more judgmental selves and told, like a naughty child, “Not now!  Be still. It’s not time.”  

“If not now, when?”  Like the many who have proclaimed these words, I hope to inspire you to take action, to fearlessly search for answers, and to be part of the solution.  We all know that creating a vision board won’t make anyone’s life perfect. But, according to one writer, making a vision board “puts the creative steering wheel in our hands.” Let’s not wait one more day to call dibs on the driver’s seat of our own lives!  

Making a vision board can be great fun, especially if you do it with friends. I know from experience! Several years ago, before creating Prime Time for Women, I attended a Vision Board Workshop hosted by Barbara Martin, which allowed me to be part of a dynamic group activity. All the participants shared ideas and suggestions, offered encouragement, and inspired others. Collectively, it was a day to celebrate our lived experience, embrace our wisdom, learn from others, and plant the seeds of dreams yet to be realized.  

When I look at that board now, I marvel at how much of what I hoped to do, to be, to achieve has come to fruition.  I now have an office in my home, a dedicated workspace renovated and decorated with the help of my daughter during the pandemic. PTFW has achieved 501(c)3 nonprofit status and now offers numerous programs to celebrate, connect and empower women as they explore new possibilities in the second half of life. With the support of our local hospital, community-minded businesses, and governmental agencies, PTFW leads Walking to Wellness, a weekly program that attracts between 20 and 50 participants.  In addition, our organization hosts a monthly book club and has held several fundraisers that have benefited multiple nonprofits, including CASA, The Women’s Club and Breast Cancer Awareness of Cumberland Valley.

Vision boards can serve as reminders of what you want to accomplish and according to research, can improve the chances of achieving your goals. How you make your board is totally up to you! Vision boards can be physical or made online…it’s your board, so do you!  Local women can join Barb Martin, Life Coach at Women in Transition, for an in-person Vision Board Workshop on Saturday, February 4 from 10 AM- 12PM. The workshop, which costs $10 for supplies, will be held at Tribe Cold Press Juice Bar, located at 41 S. Potomac Street in Hagerstown. This two-hour workshop is guaranteed to be fun, motivating and a great way to connect with other women.  To register, click the link below. And if you can’t attend but want to make a vision board and inspire others, be sure to email a photo of your vision board to [email protected]. We will share your photos in a future edition of PTFW’s Newsletter!

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