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Partnerships Matter: 100 Day New Year Challenge Motivates the Hagerstown Community

Prime Time for Women (PTFW) is pleased to support the City of Hagerstown’s 12th Annual Hub City 100 Miler Challenge and grateful for their support of our organization. PTFW knows that individuals, families and communities are healthier, stronger and happier when local government, businesses and nonprofits work together to achieve shared goals. We are grateful to the City’s Department of Parks & Recreation for partnering with us to foster healthy aging through programs that emphasize positive social connections, lifelong learning and healthy lifestyles. Their generous support makes our programs like Walking to Wellness, “Where Health Happens and Connections Matter”, Saturday in the Park, and Connections Over Competition Women’s Golf League possible. I’m looking forward to participating in this year’s 100 Miler event for the third straight year…and I hope you will join me!  To learn more, read the following article written by Amy Riley, Recreation Supervisor for the City of Hagerstown.

The secret of getting ahead in the New Year is having a plan…and the City of Hagerstown Parks & Recreation is here to help! Registration for the 12th Annual Hub City 100 Miler Challenge opens on Wednesday, November 27, 2025. This 100-day walking program, which begins January 17, 2025 and runs through April 26, encourages participants to walk, jog, or bike one mile a day for 100 days. Alternatively, participants can simply move each day for 20 minutes with any physical activity such as shoveling a neighbor’s driveway, taking a yoga or spin class, going sled riding or ice skating…the list goes on!

The 100 Miler New Year challenge is intended to motivate everyone to stay active during the winter months, when it is easy to stay stationary. The program encourages registrants to make simple changes to their daily routine to benefit their overall health and wellness. And, to have fun!

Registered “100 Milers” receive weekly e-newsletters offering motivation, inspiration, and ways to connect and stay active.

On Friday, January 17, 100 Milers are invited to the program’s kick-off event to walk their first official mile as a team at Fairgrounds Park beginning at 5pm! Come early for a wellness fair in the Fit Room starting after 3:30pm, to meet with other community health and wellness partners, who are excited to support this exciting community challenge.

The Hub City 100 Miler program is open to anyone in the community and beyond, you don’t have to live in the City of Hagerstown to register. The program is self-reporting, each individual is responsible for keeping track of his or her own progress. Each week participants have a chance to win prizes and at the end of 14 weeks are eligible to Grand Prizes including fitness bikes, a kayak, gift cards, outdoor excursions and more!

The ultimate goal is to move your body 1 mile a day for 100 days. The program is adaptable to any age or any fitness level from beginner to advanced. The Hub City 100 Miler offers four registration levels:

· $10 basic enrollment

· $20 enrollment with a t-shirt

· $25 enrollment with long sleeve shirt

· $25 enrollment with your dog, receive a t-shirt and doggie bandana

Final deadline to register for the 100 Miler is January 31, 2025, but don’t wait!! Get your journey started with us on day 1, January 17, 2025!! For more information visit or call 301-739-8577 x 883 and ask for Amy!

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