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Orsolya Herbein

Orsolya’s passion for arts sparked early on. At the young age of three, she snagged a win at an International Drawing Competition in Hungary, signaling the start of her creative journey. She graduated from the New England School of Art and Design, where she earned her B.A. in Graphic Design. 

Her career kicked off with various roles as an art director in the pharma and healthcare industries. This eventually led her to embrace life as a freelance graphic designer. In 2016, Orsolya partnered with Matt Christ to run and grow a virtual branding and marketing agency, called Brand3. Although Matt has since retired, Orsolya’s passion for empowering businesses with the right way to market continues. As brand strategist and president, she leads her team to solve marketing challenges by building brands that accurately reflect the values of an organization to their ideal prospects. A proud graduate of the Goldman Sachs 10KSB program, Orsolya maintains active involvement in professional groups such as Provisors and EO. 

Orsolya is happily married to Kyle, and together they are the proud parents of two daughters, Emma and Hanna. She finds joy in life’s simple pleasures, like walking her dogs, reading a good book, or doing anything that deepens her faith or enhances her understanding of the complexities of the world. Above all, Orsolya is committed to building strong, trusting relationships and wakes up every day with the goal of providing value and making a difference.

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