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Elizabeth Chung

Mrs. Elizabeth Chung is a native of Hong Kong, China and immigrated to the United States in  1970. Mrs.Chung completed her graduate study in in public health from the Pennsylvania State University in 1981. In 2005, she founded and the Asian American Center of of Frederick (AACF) with a mission to equip immigrants with essential skills to be independent and successful contributors to the community. As the Executive Director she oversees AACF, which is a leading entity in addressing health equity through partnership.  Under her leadership, AACF has become a vital and trusted community-based organization in Maryland for immigrants. Her primary focus has been on equity for marginalized populations through education, workforce, and community development.  Mrs.Chung’s most recent accomplishment is the development of the Community Health Worker Training Program for US Department of Health Human Services, expanding public / community health workforce development to address health disparities for the most vulnerable populations in the community.   Mrs. Chung resides in Frederick, Maryland with her husband, Dr. Stanley Chung – Orthopedic Surgeon.  (retired)

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