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Dr. Andi Overton

Dr. Andi Overton is a distinguished leader in higher education with expertise in adult learning theory and higher education policy and practice, focusing on women’s empowerment through diversity, equity, and inclusion. Driven by a deep-rooted belief in the transformative power of education, Dr. Overton continues to dedicate her energy and expertise to creating a world where women have equal access to education, leadership opportunities, and resources. Her contributions include serving on several non-profit boards, consulting on policy in higher education, and holding leadership positions within the higher education arena.

Beyond her doctoral research in adult learning theory and learning assessment, Dr. Overton holds graduate degrees in business (MBA) and criminal justice (MS) and a post-baccalaureate certificate in project management. Her research and practical experience have equipped her with valuable insights into the challenges faced by women in academic and leadership roles. 

She is the Executive Director of the Public Leadership Education Network (, the only national non-profit organization preparing college women and marginalized gender groups for leadership in public policy.

An avid Boston Redsox baseball fan, Dr. Overton lives with her wife, Stacey, and several rescued dogs and cats in central Maryland.

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